Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 13: Divine Appointments

Ahhh this morning started out beautifully, slowly waking up around 9:15 am. It felt amazing and it was much needed. We all got to sleep in a little extra this morning before starting the day ahead. There were already some up and studying before the others were around, but we were all soon to follow.

We studied until about 11, when several of us decided we needed a break so we walked to a nearby stand where they sell Coke, Sprite and Fanta. Plus we got some delicious cookies for later. Upon our arrival home it was back to studying. We got another hour in and then it was time for lunch. Today’s lunch was awesome – chicken pasta salad, salad with delicious juicy tomatoes and the amazing mango and pineapple. After lunch we had another hour to study before it was time for the, not so desired, exam. Test taking in a new place is not the easiest task. There are the normal things going on for school, like studying, project work and clinicals, but on top of it all we are in Ghana. Different surroundings and exciting experiences make focusing on our studies a difficult task, but through diligence we accomplished the task. It may have been a different experience taking the exam, but that challenging nursing exam was all too familiar! 

After our exam was complete we had some time to rest and hang out before T.K. and Patience came for our next singing lesson. Our lessons are fun and filled with so much laughter. Patience was impressed by our memory of the song we learned last week, but upon teaching us the second song there was a lot of laughter about our pronunciations. We had an audience of Mission staff watching and singing with us while we stumbled to learn new rhythms and words. As much as they laugh and shake their heads they never give up hope and they are so encouraging! We have a blast dancing and laughing with our new family here at the Mission. There are so many here that we have come to love and who love us. Their hearts are so pure and compassionate. They love to serve us. After our lesson we are not feeling super confident about our second song, but we are determined to have it learned and sing it well in front of the church congregation on Sunday!

Deborah, Patience and T.K. after assisting us with our songs. Such gorgeous ladies! 
Dinner time – spaghetti with meatballs, veggies, toast and fruit – Ms. Grace, our wonderful cook, spoils us! After dinner we were all preparing to work on our projects. Some of us preparing to head to the hospital while others were gathering to practice and prepare for their presentations, but the power had other plans. Another outage, but we have learned to laugh and improvise! So we prepared for devotions by flashlight and as we started the power came back on! We finished devotions and headed off to work on projects. Five of us headed to the hospital in hopes that there was Internet for our much needed blog loading and research! But, as we soon discovered, no Internet. At the time, we were upset, but later we thanked God for His divine appointments.

As we were preparing to head back to the house to work on our projects we noticed a man, who had several deep cuts, was being stitched up in the treatment room. So, we asked if we could observe and soon, Lina was assisting with treatment. As I was leaving the treatment room to check on my other team members I heard a commotion coming from the delivery room. I grabbed Janice and Jennifer, while Abby and Lina stayed to finish up in the treatment room, and we headed to check out the situation. As we walked in the baby had just been delivered, but he was lifeless. The mother was full term, but the baby suffered stress in the womb and upon delivery there was obvious complication.

The midwife ushered the baby to the nearby nursery crib and we all began to work. The only doctor was the anesthetist who was not scheduled to be there, but he was checking on his patients who will be receiving surgery tomorrow. Us girls gloved up, rushed the baby into the operating room – the only place nearby with suction and oxygen – and began assisting the doctor with resuscitation. Lina and Abby soon joined us and they were soon followed by the OB/GYN. They do not have a Pediatrician on staff so he is the main doctor they call. We continued assisting as they suctioned, administered oxygen and started an IV. In the midst of this all, the doctor was teaching us, as he always does, and thanking us for being there.

Janice assisting the nurse. 
Assisting Dr. Chike with suctioning, monitoring and breaths.
The baby began breathing after the first couple of times to be suctioned, but it was obviously labored and distressed. He continued improving as the time went by and he became stable enough for his mommy and daddy to see him. The doctor said that this baby’s prognosis was good and he would call the nearest general hospital so the baby could be transferred to the NICU for more observation. The ambulance was in route as we were heading home.

The series of events that led us to be right where we were at the perfect time was truly incredible. The power went out, the Internet was down, we almost went home, but something held us back. We were needed in that situation tonight – the right people were present and God knew exactly what He was doing.

God needed us there at that exact time to assist with breathing life into this baby. We immediately flooded him with prayers and song. One of the songs we are learning is in Gha – one of the local languages – and it talks about the strength of King David. What a fitting song to hum and sing in the process of working on His child. God has special plans for this little one – we do not know how this situation will conclude, but we have faith that God will continue the work He began.

Even if we were just there to pray over this little boy and his mother then that was enough. We thank God for His divine appointments of today and the special calling He has for each one of us, especially that baby boy who was unnamed, but we refer to him as David.

Kayli Koger

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